Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Two posts in one day makes me look busy

In which I make cute kids...

My last baby, providing that I am not pregnant *crosses fingers because one never knows*, just graduated Kindergarten. Yes, they do that. The answer is because it's adorable! *the question was "why?".
All three classes, totaling somewhere around 74 kids, sang a few songs for us. They received their Kindergarten Diplomas and smiled for our cameras. Then we all watched a slide show of their first official year in the public school system. It was strange, almost surreal, attending the graduation ceremony. The location: My high school auditorium. There were at least four parents that I graduated with in 1993, that I spotted in the audience watching their kids graduate. At the end of the slide show, complete with this as the theme song. Our children are now known as the class of 2021. I wonder, in twelve years, how many of these kids I will be watching graduate (you know for real) with my daughter. I wonder, if they will be friends. I wonder why my uterus suddenly aches for another embryo to nurture into a baby. I haven't even made it to Empty Nest Syndrome yet!! Come on! Ok. Now I am over it.

Anyway, look at the cute:

Kinder graduate

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