Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm unemployed for a living....

Also: I'm kind of a liar....

I keep saying I'm going to update all the time, recycle, quit smoking and be a decent human being. I've done (maybe) one of those things. In my defense, I do continue to keep quitting smoking cigarettes. I'm quitting...again. Okay. I'm more in the process of quitting. Listen! I don't care. There you have it. Only.... I do care or I wouldn't be talking about it...again. I want to get here so bad, I can taste it. Metaphorically, of course, you can't really taste Ireland. Or maybe you can. I'm sure someone has, at least, licked Ireland once or twice. We live in a world of orally fixated people. Which is probably why I smoke.

I've been unemployed for a little more than a month now. It's not as fun as I thought wanted it to be in real life. I use my free time to do good for the world make YouTube videos and write a story that has been in my head for the last 15 years. Since I have horrible grammar, it's a slow process. Also; I have the attention span of a squirrel goldfish. So, while I'm thinking about it, here's a video to watch that I edited. You can only view it in America because, Sony hates the rest of you, apparently. You should all write them and tell them they are assholes.